Personal information
21-10-1995 Born in Minas, Camagüey, Cuba.
2022-2024 Master student at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (Saale), Germany.
2014-2019 Fine Arts Studio, ISA, Havana, Cuba.
2010-2014 Studies at the Academia de Arte Vicentina de la Torre, Camagüey, Cuba.
Professional life
Since 7.2019: Independent artist
2019 Assistant at the René Rodríguez art studio.
2018 Curator and artist at Fábrica de Arte Cubano (FAC).
Solo exhibitions
2024 Matando el rato/ Fondazione Morra Greco. Naples, Italy.
2022 Reaching the (sky)line/ Isbn Book Gallery. Budapest. Hungary.
2014 A garden of butterflies / Camilo Cienfuegos Military School. Camagüey, Cuba.
2014 Inskrypción/ IV Festival de las Artes, Academia de Arte Vicentina de la Torre, Camagüey, Cuba.
Dual exhibitions
2019 raspadura/ Casa 8 Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2017 Memorias de la Vagancia/ Galería de los Artistas. Part of the 7th Contemporary Cuban Art Salon (CDAV) Havana, Cuba.
Group exhibitions
2024 Against the grain - Generation Z in art/ Sacrow Castle. Potsdam, Germany.
2024 Take off, master students of the Burg/ Burg Galerie im Volkspark. Halle (Saale/ Germany.
2024 Housework and cleaning/ UG 14, Spinnerei. Leipzig, Germany.
2024 Grass Cloud/ Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. Berlin, Germany.
2024 TOGETHER/ Gallery Auto & Art. Berlin, Germany.
2023 Wintersaloon/ Gallery Shower. Leipzig, Germany.
2023 Interplay/ Blech. Space for Art Halle e.V. Halle (Saale), Germany.
2023 Havana Berlin Stories/ Schloss Biesdorf. Berlin, Germany.
2023 Do you dream of something? / Burg Galerie im Volkspark. Halle (Saale), Germany.
2023 Experimental Loop 1st edition/ Colonels Row Gallery. New York, USA.
2023 Moth Club/Hermesstraße 5. Halle (Saale), Germany.
2023 Herbes Erbe, Frohe Zukunft / Salon, Hermesstraße 5. Halle (Saale), Germany.
2022 Abya Yala: Structural Origins / New York Latin American Art Triennial (NYLAT), Queens College Art Gallery | Kupferberg Center for the Arts. New York, USA.
2022 InterAktion - Cuba in Sacrow - Dialogue on contemporary art / Sacrow Castle. Potsdam, Germany.
2022 The Day After / Taller Gorría Gallery (GTG). Havana, Cuba.
2022 Tempo / XIV Havana Biennial, Artis 718 Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2021 Disonancias / XIV Havana Biennial, (CDAV). Havana, Cuba.
2021 Estado de Espítitu / XIV Havana Biennial, Cuba Pavilion. Havana, Cuba.
2021 Silbersalz Festival / Passage 13, Halle, Germany.
2020 8th Contemporary Cuban Art Salon (CDAV) / Web platform, Instagram and facebook.
2020 Possible works / BLECH Art Space. Halle, Germany.
2020 X-rays . Silent video exhibition / Kabinett der KHHP Gustav-Adolf-Straße140. Berlin, Germany.
2020 With you in the distance / 9th international festival Cubaneando. Montreal, Canada.
2020 Anoninfluencerartist / Digital platform, Instagram.
2019 Indagar lo propio / 12th Havana Biennial, University of the Arts (ISA). Havana, Cuba.
2019 Thirteen stories + one / VIII edition. XIII Havana Biennial, Artesano Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2019 ACME Salon 7th edition / CDMX, Mexico.
2018 PerfoArtNet / International Biennial of performance, Colombia.
2018 La tierra dada / Cuba Pavilion. Havana, Cuba.
2018 Me parece Mentira / Burg Giebichenstein University of art and design. Halle Saale, Germany.
2018 La noche boca arriba / Acacia Gallery. Havana, Cuba.
2018 Regino Boti Salon / Guantánamo Art Center / Guantánamo, Cuba.
2018 Thirteen stories + one/ V Edition. Ludwig Foundation of Cuba. Havana, Cuba
2018 There are things and things, there are things and things / University of the Arts (ISA). Havana, Cuba.
2017 Fuente Abierta / DNasco Studio. Havana, Cuba.
2017 The art of listening / 7th Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art. Center for the Development of Visual Arts (CDAV), Havana, Cuba.
2017 Zona de sensibilidad inmaterial / 7th Contemporary Cuban Art Salon. Center for the Development of Visual Arts (CDAV), Havana, Cuba.
2017 11th edition of the Miami New Media Festival / Miami, Florida. USA.
2017 “The Extinguished Self” / DNasco Studio. Havana, Cuba.
2017 Misunderstanding - Misunderstanding - Misunderstanding / University of the Arts (ISA). Havana, Cuba.
2017 Open class / Taller Gorría Gallery, (GTG). Havana, Cuba.
2017 Esperma / Apartment 8f 8th floor , building no. 115, calle 1 entre B y C Vedado (alternative space) Havana, Cuba.
2016 Licking each other / Center for the Development of Visual Arts (CDAV), Havana, Cuba.
2015 XXIX Fidelio Ponce de León Salon / Camagüey, Cuba.
2015 in the rough /XII Havana Biennial, University of the Arts (ISA). Havana, Cuba.
2015 Blurred Lines / Havana Biennial, University of the Arts (ISA). Havana, Cuba.
2013 III Festival of the Arts / Vicentina de la Torre Art Academy, Camagüey, Cuba.
2012 IV Student Salon / Academia de Arte Vicentina de la Torre, Camagüey, Cuba.
2011 III Student Salon / Vicentina de la Torre Art Academy, Camagüey, Cuba.
2022 DAAD Visual Arts Scholarship / Study Scholarships - Master's/Postgraduate studies in the fields of visual arts, design, visual communication and film.
2020 Scholarship for language courses from the Goethe-Institut liaison office in Cuba.
2022 Collection of the Cuban Museum of Fine Arts, Vienna. Vienna, Austria.
2022 Dec. Artistic residency and exchange at the Fundazione Morra Greco. Naples, Italy.
2022 Jun-Jul. Artist residency and exchange at Tranzit.hu, Budapest, Hungary.
2021 Mar. 7th International Winter Campus of the artistic city Kalbe, Germany (Digital).
2018 Award ,,The kingdom of this world.”
2018 Recognition, “Antonia Eiriz” foundation scholarship.
2015 Recognition, “XXIX Salón Fidelio Ponce de León¨.
Workshops provided
2023 Lollies for life/ Comenius all-day community school. Salzwedel, Germany.
Workshops as a student
2018 Me parece Mentira / Exchange and workshops between the University of Fine Arts Burg Giebichenstein and the University of the Arts (ISA). Prof. Andrea Zaumseil. Halle (Saale), Germany.
2018 There are things and things, there are things and things / Exchange and workshops between Burg Giebichenstein University of Fine Arts and Design and the University of the Arts (ISA). Prof Michaela Schweiger. Havana, Cuba.
2017 Missverständnis / Exchange and workshops between the University of Fine Arts and Design Burg Giebichenstein and the University of the Arts (ISA). Prof Andrea Zaumseil. Havana, Cuba.
2022 Sugar cane is the mother of Cuban rum/ Part of the newspaper Common in the Biennial of Congo “the breath of the ancestors”, Kinshasa, Republic of Congo.
2022 Abono/ Part of the Common newspaper at the Congo Biennale “the breath of the ancestors”, Kinshasa, Republic of Congo.
2017 Chronicles behind the scenes/ part of the project Exercise of thought (first edition), collective publication on the keyword/hashtag #transit. (a copy was donated to the Cuban Heritage Collection University of Miami Libraries).